Irene Schöne: Kiel.Sailing.City

Official Travel Guide (Englisch) ◾️

Kiel is most widely known for its international Sailing Week, the biggest sailing competition in the world. Every year, more than three million visitors come to watch the sailing races and enjoy the accompaning folk festival. Kiel is a city rich in innovation and history. Did you know that the cordless (mobile) phone and contact lenses were invented in Kiel? And that Germany’s first steps to democracy were taken here? With its maritime flair, Kiel fjords, Kiel sailor suits, and Kiel sprats (now only available as chocolate confectionery), Kiel offers a variety of city, countryside and water.
Discover Germany’s northernmost city, its museums, universities, Nobel Prize winners, architecture, music, shops, beaches and cafés with this Travel Guide … (Verlagsinfo)

„Kiel. Sailing. City.“, Irene Schöne

224 Seiten, 19 Euro, Gmeiner, VÖ 10. Mai 2023

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